Are you that person who finds it hard to relax, always chasing your tail, running from one list to another constantly feeling frazzled, anxious and overwhelmed?

Self love or self care is essential for long term happiness. It’s about looking after yourself and appreciating you for the person you are.
On a personal note, having once been that person, I know what that feels like. When I really understood the importance of self care that is when my life very quickly became so much happier.
Relaxing can be one thing that we can all find very hard to do and it can be a real challenge. And the key is relaxing WITHOUT guilt.
Doing something for YOU.
It can get all to easy to get caught up in life, going from one thing to another..

Self care will mean different things to different people but these are a few ways that you can really look after yourself:
Nourishing your body with good food. What we eat can have a direct impact on our health. So, put in the good and remove the bad and, by giving your body nutritious food to eat, your body will thank you for it. As the saying goes, ‘you are what you eat’
And, it is often the little things that can have the biggest impact such as:
Getting out in nature
Sitting on a park bench watching the world go by
Reading a good book
Having a cuppa
Sitting still
Meeting with a friend
Having a bath
Having an early night
Treating yourself to a treatment/massage

It’s about doing things that you know will help to lift your mood and surrounding yourself with positive people who really support you.
Remember - the only person who can truly take care of you is you and when you honestly value yourself - that is when the magic really happens.
And, we all deserve to feel our best. Take some time to focus on you and your health.
I work with clients looking at what they eat, how they sleep, exercise and how they cope with stress. And, by adopting a positive mindset, this can be really life changing so that they feel their best and they can live their lives to the full. Looking after your body and health is the BEST investment that you will ever make.
Do you want to help getting your mojo back?
Good news is I have some New Client spots opening in March.
If you’ve been thinking of working with me 1:1 we can have a chat on the phone. This is your chance.
Your chance to change your health and well-being now.