This is not for the faint-hearted but this little drink has some wonderful anti-inflammatory properties and is also seriously powerful at hitting coughs and colds head on! Ideally drink once a day before your breakfast.

This will make a small shot glass
1 lemon, pith removed
2 inch piece of ginger
2 inch piece of turmeric root
A pinch of cayenne pepper
Black pepper (optimises the absorption of the turmeric)
Optional - 1 tbsp of organic honey or ½ apple to make the juice a little more palatable or you can have an apple chaser afterwards - 100 ml freshly juiced apple juice.
Wash and scrub all the vegetables but don’t peel. Put everything through your juicer, then add a few grinds of black pepper, add honey if using and knock back (you won’t be able to sip it as its too spicy).
* A word of caution, the strong yellow colour of the turmeric can stain so do wash everything up immediately.
** If you don’t have time to make this juice, then an easy alternative is to mix 2 tsp of ground turmeric in some water and drink. It’s not as potent as fresh turmeric root but you will still benefit from the powerful properties of turmeric.