Everybody wants to feel well. Obvious comment really. But, why is it that so many of us struggle to achieve this?
Is it due to …… Lack of time? Lack of motivation? Lack of interest? Lack of support? Lack of money? People often put off changing their lifestyles… How many times have you said, “I’ll do it when…” If you wait for the right time, it will never come. Your health doesn’t work like that. January is the time for New Year’s resolutions and, whilst reflection is a good thing, New Year’s resolutions and mad crash diets just don’t work. Your health is a continuum and you need to be looking after yourself and thinking in terms of the bigger picture. So, ask yourself…. Do you want to feel 10/10 on most days? Do you want to look in the mirror and like the person that you see? Do you want to have self-confidence and a good body image? Do you want to make the most of every day? Do you want to enter your mid-life and later years in good health? I’m sure you will be saying yes to most of the above. Most people want to feel well and happy. Yes, there are some things that we cannot control but, if we keep ourselves fit and healthy, we have a better chance of leading a longer, happier, healthier life.
Good health is about: Fuelling your body with the good stuff Feeding your soul Feeling well and content Balance Consistency The key here is balance. And making things achievable for yourself so that, when you struggle with life’s ups and downs, you have good basic foundations to your health to fall back on. Nothing is more important than your health and wellness. Sounds basic common sense. But so true. Does this sound all too familiar? Then I urge you to change your health for the better starting NOW, and do it for the LONG TERM. Why don’t you join me on my next ‘RESET your health programme’? RESET is about helping busy people to get healthy. If you need to be inspired, motivated and supported it may be exactly what you are looking for. I am very passionate about helping people to feel good about themselves from the inside out for the long term. I’ve made it work for myself, and now I can make work for you I have struggled in the past with my weight, body image, lack of self-esteem, insomnia and my mental health so I know what poor health feels like. This is one of the main reasons I am so passionate about helping people to feel good about themselves from the inside out. Remember - we all deserve to feel our best.